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1'067'214 - Tarot consulted

Urim and Thummim

Urim and Thummim 410'013 consultations
The only instrument of divination permitted by God, these two rock crystals, one black and the other white can have a support in difficult choices.

Osho zen tarot

Osho zen tarot 158'926 consultations
This game is based on the states, the thoughts and ideas of the Indian guru Osho. It is used to understand the past or predict the future through play transcendental Zen.

Oracle GE

Oracle GE 131'164 consultations
Gerard Barbier creator of the oracle Gé allows anyone to predict the future. The 61 symbols are simple and meet on many issues accurately.

The pendulum

The pendulum 110'265 consultations
It allows to receive energy of the unconscious or the subconscious of the person or group and bring them to the conscious level. It provides accurate information.

Le petit Lenormand

Le petit Lenormand 57'345 consultations
Miss Lenormand was the most famous fortuneteller of the nineteenth century. You can choose the sex of the draw Consulant.

Divinatory dominoes

Divinatory dominoes 48'017 consultations
This set consisting of 28 pieces has two parts. Each part contains a number of points. A choice of 3 dominoes will provide you with valuable advice to your question.

Tarot Soprafino 1835

Tarot Soprafino 1835 33'986 consultations
This tarot came into being in 1835, and was created from engraved plaques which permitted the printing of its details to a superior degree of finesse. The perfection of this game served as a model and was copied throughout the 19th century.

Affinity between names

Affinity between names 32'940 consultations
This game teaches you the similarities between you and your partner. It tells you the probability of being happy together. The calculation is based on the number of expression.

Lombardie Tarot 1810

Lombardie Tarot 1810 30'732 consultations
This tarot was revealed for the first time in Italy (Lombardie) in 1810. It is composed of a game of Sarazin cards, in which we have associated 22 major arcanes. Certain details diverge from the tarot of Marseille.

Visconti's Triangle

Visconti's Triangle 28'092 consultations
Visconti's triangle is a royal, divinatory tarot, dating from the 15th century. It was released on gold paper. Careful attention was given to its details.

Your biorhythm

Your biorhythm 25'734 consultations
The graph of your biorhythms to better understand your mood changes. It used to be better prepared for periods that these hormonal changes can cause.